Terms & conditions


In these Terms and Conditions, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:

“Agreement” means the agreement between us and you for you and any persons named on the Confirmation of Booking to participate in the Tour in accordance with these Terms and Conditions and the Brochure.

“Online Booking Form” means the form on which booking details are submitted online.

“Website” means the web pages at the following websites: https://aqib.abasa.com/

“Package Details” means information detailing the Tour as published online by us in respect of the year in which the Tour is to be taken.

“Confirmation of Booking” means our confirmation to you that your booking has been accepted.

“Tour” means the Hajj experience as described in these Terms and Conditions and the Package Details.

“Us”, “We” or “Our” means Radiant Drops Ltd with registered ATOL number 10364.

“You” or “Your” means the person who is registered as the primary contact on the Online Booking Form and whose details are set out in the Confirmation of Booking as being the person making the booking.

In the event of any conflict between the terms of these Terms and Conditions and the Package Details the Terms and Conditions shall prevail.


There are two (2) choices of packages:

  • Classic Package
  • Deluxe Package
The Deluxe Package provides for accommodation based on triple occupancy, though you may choose to upgrade to double occupancy (Deluxe Package only). If you require double occupancy, then this should be specified on the Online Booking Form. If double occupancy is available, this shall be confirmed in the Confirmation of Booking.

The Classic Package provides for accommodation based on quadruple occupancy. If you require double or triple occupancy, then this should be specified on the Online Booking Form. If the required occupancy is available, this shall be confirmed in the Confirmation of Booking.

If you are a single traveller or the number of people travelling in your party is not divisible by three (in the case of the Classic Package) or two or three (in the case of the Deluxe Package, depending on whether you have opted for a double or triple room), we may still be able to accommodate you or all members of your party (as applicable) on the Tour subject to availability and payment of a supplement. The exact amount of the supplement payable will be advised to you before Confirmation of Booking. A child will count as an occupant only where it requires a bed.

The items included in and excluded from each package are as set out in the Package Details. Please note that the cost of sacrifice is not included in either the Classic or Deluxe Packages.

The photographs of landmarks featured on the Website are for illustrative purposes only and to give an idea of what you may experience during the Tour. The photographs of hotel rooms are also included only to indicate the type of accommodation you can expect to stay in, and your hotel room may differ from those depicted.

The star ratings and hotel facilities reported by us are as reported to us by the hotels, and we cannot guarantee that these will be as mentioned as they are subject to change by the hotels and since these standards differ from hotel to hotel and from country to country.

There is no minimum age for travel. However, children and infants must be accompanied by a responsible adult, who will usually be a parent or immediate relative.

We reserve the right to refuse anyone on the Tour unless we have provided them with written confirmation of their place on the Tour.

By embarking on this Tour with us, you will have implicitly accepted our Terms and Conditions.


Prior to booking, you must carefully read, understand, and agree to these Terms and Conditions. Places are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis, and early booking is advised in order to avoid disappointment.

When you have selected the package of your choice, please complete the Online Booking Form. You should ensure that all details entered on the Online Booking Form are complete and accurate. Please note that the Online Booking Form will not be accepted unless you agree to the Terms and Conditions. Your acceptance is given by making the booking.

In agreeing to these terms and conditions you are responsible for and guarantee payment in respect of all persons named on the Online Booking Form including any insurance, charges, duties or other amounts payable. You also agree to be responsible for the behaviour of all persons travelling with your party for the duration of the Tour. We will correspond directly and only with you the primary customer and all documents will be sent to the address for you that appears on the Confirmation of Booking. It is your responsibility to ensure that all persons travelling in your party are aware of the information relevant to the Tour and that they conduct themselves in an appropriate manner having regard to the holy nature of the Tour.

The deposit or full amount (as applicable) is due and payable in accordance with Clause 5 paragraphs 1 and 3 (as applicable) at the time of submitting the Online Booking Form. An Online Booking Form is not valid and will not be accepted until such payment is received.

If we accept your booking, we will send you a Confirmation of Booking. We will use reasonable endeavours to send the Confirmation of Booking via email within fourteen (14) working days of us receiving the Online Booking Form. Upon issue of the Confirmation of Booking, a legally binding agreement will be deemed to have come into effect on the date that appears on the Online Booking Form. If you submit the Online Booking Form [two weeks] or less before the date of departure, a legally binding agreement will be deemed to have come into effect on the date when we confirm the booking to you, which may or may not be in writing.

You must stipulate any dietary, mobility or other special requirements for you or any person included in your booking on the Online Booking Form. Whilst we use our reasonable endeavours to cater for any such requirements, we cannot guarantee such requirements will be accommodated and cannot be held liable for any failure by us to do so.

You must notify us in writing of any medical condition that you or any person travelling in your party has. We may request further information on any such condition and you agree to provide such information (which shall be true and complete) promptly. We reserve the right to Decline or Cancel a Booking or make further requests if we believe that we are not able to provide the facilities to deal with the medical condition in question.


In the unlikely event that We are required to make a substantial change to an element of the Tour (which shall include a change of the city of departing or arriving airports, a change to a significantly lower (but not better, equal or similar) standard of accommodation or a change in the time of your flight departure time by more than 72 hours) we will let you know at the time of booking. Should a substantial change occur after the Confirmation of Booking has been issued, we will let you know as soon as reasonably possible and you will be entitled to a partial refund equal to the difference in service.

If you decide that you wish to Cancel the Booking or change any element of your Tour, you must inform us in writing as soon as possible. You are also responsible for notifying us when a member of your party wishes to Cancel the Booking or change any element of the Tour.

If you cancel the Tour prior to the due date of the balance of payment, the deposit will be forfeited. If only one element of the Tour is Cancelled a Fee of £25 per person per cancelled element will be charged. Where you have paid additional charges for a specific element of the Tour that you have requested such amount will be lost.

If you decide to cancel the Tour after the due date of the balance of payment, we shall retain 15% of the total cost of the Tour plus any deposits paid. Any cancellation costs levied by any of our suppliers or the airline will also be deducted from the amount to be refunded to you. Please note that some airfares are subject to special conditions and Cancellation Charges which can be as high as 100%.

Any cancellations eight (8) weeks prior to departure will incur a 100% charge and no refund will be issued.

We will advise you of the exact amount of any Cancellation Fees before finalising the cancellation.

Any change of flight times by the airlines or the Saudi Aviation Authority (or other authorities) which affects any travel plans made by you is not our responsibility. You are advised to book any travel arrangements to arrive well in advance of any flights, etc., organised by us. Any arrangements made by you including transport to and from the airports are your responsibility and we cannot be liable for these costs.